Collectif Kimera

Collectif Kimera gathers ten artists and designers who share a common interest in creating transdisciplinary projects through the conception and curation of exhibitions and the realisation of spatial installations. Their practices are mutually enriched and reasoned through the social issues they address. After several fruitful collaborations, the collective came together as a non-profit association to create and invest in Dukat.

Specialising in immersive multimedia installations including projections, sound, and light, the collective's productions seamlessly blend the manual craftsmanship of materials such as wood, metal, ceramics, and glass with electronics and emerging technologies like mapping, motors and programming. The resulting installations are immersive, to further engage spectators. They create new spaces that encourage exchange between artists and audiences, tackling key issues such as LGBTQIA+ rights, feminism, ecology and dynamics of oppression.

Inspired by the Chimera, a whimsical animal from Greek mythology composed of different parts of a lion, a goat and a snake, Collectif Kimera brings together artists hailing from diverse practices. What binds them together is their inclination to weave fiction and mythology into their creations, presenting alternative realities that challenge us to contemplate new potential futures collectively.

September 29th, the Collectif Kimera organised the opening of Espace Dukat. All the images were taken during the event and the posters were made for the communication of the event.

If you want more information about the Collectif Kimera and Espace Dukat, you can check our website and follow us on Instagram.

Project : exposition

Object : scenographie

Date : 2018

Teachers : Xavier Erni, Thuy-An Hoang

Students : Tristan Bartolini, Coline Besson

©ateliermauderenevier  2023