During this workshop we collaborated with the fashion designer Andrea Ciarlatano and the members of TWIICE. The TWIICE team develops exoskeletons designed to help people with paraplegia sit, stand and walk on different types of surfaces. Our research addressed key questions regarding the body, clothing, matter, aesthetics and movement. We were able to talk several times with paraplegics who are testers of these exoskeletons. The exchanges with them allowed us to work more in depth on their aesthetic and practical desires. How textile and non-textile, flexible and rigid elements interact with the way we move and behave? How materials not normally used in clothing bring wearables to life? What silhouettes and aesthetics, what clothes and accessories, what visions of beauty and behavior will flow from these experiences?
Project : fashion design
Object : habiller un exosquelette
Date : février 2022
Intervenants: Andrea Ciarlatano, TWIICE
Students : Tristan Bartolini, Maya Puna