Masterbed is a group project presented to us by Alexandra Midal to represent our sector during the HEAD - Geneva 2022 open house. Based on the statement, we first worked together to think, organize and conceptualize this project. Then we worked in several groups to complete the installation:

Construction, Coating, Artifacts, Selection of projects and texts, Animations & screenings

I was part of the construction group and for us the challenge was to succeed in building a stable and solid structure that could accommodate the weight of several people and suspend a huge projection panel from the ceiling of the cube. The other groups were then able to install and apply their creations to the structure installed in the cube.

Project : Portes ouvertes

Object : Installation

Date : 2022

Teacher : Alexandra Midal

Students :

Pénélope Barraud

Tristan Bartolini

Camille Bellemas

Elisa Bonami

Ankita Das

Roberta Faust

Linda Forestieri, Vincent Grange

Aleyna Günay

Sonya Isupova

Giona Mazzucchelli Claudia Ndebele

Tanguy Troubat

Marileni Vourtsi

©ateliermauderenevier  2023